My baby graduated from high school this year. It sounds so cliched, but where did the years go? When I had three little ones under the age of 5, it seemed like they would always be small. Then I turned around, and they are all grown up into wonderful adults. My grandma used to tell me, "The days are long, but the years are short" (about child rearing). She was right! I'm so proud to be the mom of this handsome, thoughtful young man!
- Select Victory kit.
- Select Harmony pattern.
- Select kit mix 6.
- Turn off toggle accents.
- Rotate right page 180 degrees.
- Change Desert Sand cardstock to Topiary B&T paper.
- Change Bamboo cardstock to Outdoor Denim.
- Change fleur de lis B&T to Colonial White cardstock.
- Change plaid B&T to Bamboo by clicking on the plaid B&T and then choose Bamboo from the box. Change color intensity to 25% ("%" drop-down box).
- Hide small Outdoor Denim box on left page by adding journaling box over top of entire upper plaid B&T and photo well. Fill with plaid B&T, change color to Bamboo, intensity to 25%. Send backward until photo and photo mat appear.
- Add 1/16" Bamboo photo mats to two small photos.
- Add two journaling boxes to left page for title. Add title (fonts used are Cobbler and Inkling), background: none.
- Delete journaling box on right page.
- Drop in photos.
- On left page, add the following My Stickease accents:
- Winged shield (Medium Accents, 150%); place on top of Colonial White circle in lower right.
- Limited Edition accent (Large Accents, 62%); crop and rotate so only the sunbursts show. Place in upper left.
- Chocolate and Outdoor Denim border (Borders, 100%); layer it over sunbursts.
- Bamboo star (Small Accents, 200%); cluster with other accents.
- Number 2 (Alphabet, 38%); place inside star.
- On left page, place Grey Wool Bigger Brad (Embellishments>Metals, 100%) on cluster border.
- Place three Grey Wool Medium Brads (Embellishments>Metals, 100%) to left of title.
- Add Colonial White Back Stitch (Embellishments>Stitching, 150%) to Outdoor Denim strip. Crop as needed.
- On right page for journaling area, add a journaling box (background paper: New England Ivy); delete "Add journaling" by highlighting the text and hitting the space bar. Add My Stickease Today tag (Tags, 140%); crop off striped border and rotate 90 degrees. Layer it over journaling box. Add another journaling box and type in journaling (background paper: none, font used; Elementary).
- On right page, for pleated ribbon, add one Grey Wool Ribbon Tab (Embellishments>Ribbons, 100%); rotate 90 degrees. Copy and paste so the two tabs overlap slightly. Copy and paste the two tabs. Overlap tabs slightly. repeat until pleated border is complete.
- Add Colonial White Back Stitch (Embellishments>Stitching, 150%) to top of pleated ribbon.
- On right page, add My Stickease images as follows:
- Add "U" circle (Quotes, 70%), place on top of Colonial White circle.
- Add Honey star (Medium Accents, 150%), place in upper right corner.
- Add the words border (Borders, 70%) and crop to show "Full of Life" (or word of your choice); layer on top of star.
- Add two Grey Wool flourishes (Large Accents, 100%). Place one with cluster, and send to back (right-click). Place second by journaling and send to back.
- Add Outdoor Denim flourish (Large Accent, 58%); place by journaling. Rotate and send backward as needed.